[MassHistPres] Windows...longevity...recycling

Alison Hardy ahardy at window-woman-ne.com
Tue Aug 1 19:05:01 EDT 2006

And just remember, always ask the homeowner to get an estimate on cost to repair and/or restore the windows. I've just done two estimates in Salem, MA where the HC requires homeowners to go through the exercise and the homeowners are delighted to find out complete restoration is cheaper than replacement windows and the look is far superior. An educated consumer is our best preservation tool.

Carol C <cmcarl at mindspring.com> wrote: Garrett:
So glad you asked, as I was thinking the same thing.  The Bedford HDC only
allows wooden replacement windows in the District, to match what is being
replaced.  True divided lights are preferred, but we have allowed the glue on
wooden muntins with the stipulation that they are not to come off.

When HDC's start approving synthetic materials for windows, where does it

Carol M. Carlson
Bedford HDC

Garrett Laws wrote:

> Is there anyone out there with the ability to figure out why we are
> replacing materials 100+ years old with others that are highly UNlikely to
> last 25 or 30???
> Just wondering how to approach this conversation in a way that all of can
> see what the effects of our decisions make.
> Garrett
> Garrett Laws, Manager    Glaws at hbuilders.net
> The Copper & Slate Company
> Fine Roofing and Exterior Finish Carpentry
> 238A Calvary Street, Waltham, MA 02453
> Phone (781) 893-1916      Fax (781) 893-2041
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