[MassHistPres] Window pictures and articles

Carroon, Jean jean.carroon at goodyclancy.com
Mon Aug 14 10:39:50 EDT 2006

We are submitting wood windows as a category to PreservationMass for the Ten Most Endangered.  We have an extension on the deadline, but would like to complete everything by August 16.  
As part of the nomination, we should include newspaper articles and editorials as well as pictures.  If the issue has been discussed in your local Commission and is in the Meeting Notes, that would also be helpful, also any policy guidelines about windows.  
If you have anything that you can easily send me as an attachment, I would appreciate it.  Remember attachments cannot go through the listserve.
Thank you.
Jean Carroon 
Principal for Preservation
Goody Clancy
617 850-6651

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