[MassHistPres] Invitation to bid

Marcia Starkey mdstarkey at crocker.com
Fri Jul 28 09:36:54 EDT 2006

This Public Notice (appended for this list) is published in the Greenfield Recorder for Friday, July 28, 2006: 

"The Franklin County CDC and the Town of Greenfield are now accepting sealed proposals for Engineering Services to design the restoration of the granite masonry facade of the (1929 Moderne) First National Bank building at 9 Bank Row, Greenfield MA The building has a Historic Preservation Restriction." (held by MHC, is a contributing building to the Centeral Main Street National Register district, as well as a building included in the Bank Row Urban Renewal District.)  

(Extensive decontamination and cleanup of the building has occurred over the past 3-4 years. A Historic Structures Report is available. The CDC's plan is to restore the facade and rehabilitate the interior for small business purposes. The building is on Court Square surrounded by historic buildings, and across from the Common and the Town Hall.)

"Contact the FCCDC, 324 Wells Street, Greenfield MA 01301 at 413 774-7204 ext. 100, cdc at fccdc.org or RogersManagement at aol.com to request specifications. Sealed bids labeled "BID FOR BANK BUILDING ENGINEERING SERVICES" will be received by the FCCDC until 3:00pm on August 18, 2006. All bids are to remain in effect for 90 days. The FCCDC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals."

Marcia Starkey, Greenfield Historical Commission       

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