[MassHistPres] Interior Preservation

Steinitz, Michael @ SEC Michael.Steinitz at state.ma.us
Wed Jun 28 13:20:11 EDT 2006


The primary legal tool for protecting significant historic interiors is a preservation restriction (aka preservation easement).  In Massachusetts such preservation restrictions are enabled by M.G.L. Chapter 184, sections 31-33. Nantucket already is presently one of the more active communities in Massachusetts relative to the creation of new preservation restrictions held both by the town and by the Nantucket Preservation Trust. Many, though not all, of these restrictions include interior protections.  The town could actively encourage property owners to place preservation restrictions that protect significant interior spaces and features.  The town could also develop a program to purchase interior restrictions, say with Community Preservation funds.  Priorities might be significant interior spaces that are open to the public, where there is a clear public benefit resulting from protecting them.  Town boards could also consider requiring a preservation restriction that includes interior spaces when considering requests for variances or special permits for projects related to a historic property. 

These donated or negotiated protective mechanisms need to work together with a well-developed local program of actively educating owners, contractors and realtors in a preservation ethic and best practices regarding historic interiors.  Sponsoring and disseminating research that promotes better understanding of the significance of historic plans, features and finishes locally and the concept of an "archaeology" of building interiors, regularly scheduled house tour programs that familiarize folks with the insides of a variety of well-preserved local buildings (not just museum houses), award programs that recognize outstanding interior stewardship...all these can help build local support and awareness on this issue, which is really a universal one, even if the intensity of insensitive interior rehabs in places like Nantucket has been particularly notable.  

Michael Steinitz
Director, Preservation Planning Division
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Blvd, Boston MA 02125
617-727-8470, 617-727-5128 (fax)
michael.steinitz at state.ma.us

-----Original Message-----
From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
[mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu]On Behalf Of Aaron Marcavitch
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 10:53 PM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] Interior Preservation


Our historical commission (one of the newer ones in Mass) has made a formal motion that they would
like to focus on the preservation of historic interiors.  I understand that many towns don't even
have the luxury of focusing on this particular issue, but I was wondering if anyone has had to
deal with the gut rehabs of buildings.  We have two major houses downtown that are basically
non-existant as historic structures (and a third building - our theater - well on its way) because
of the interior gutting.  Does anyone know of specific bylaws for interior preservation?  Perhaps
something that our HDC can regulate?  I know Boston has some regulation over interiors, but I
haven't seen the language.

We will probably be pursuing the Mitchell Fund for Interiors grant in February to work on methods
for preservation - such as legal avenues, tax breaks, or other methods.  We will probably apply to
the Community Preservation Committee as well, but they haven't been terribly open to "paper

Any help, advice, or common concerns would be great to hear about.

Nantucket Historical Commisison

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