[MassHistPres] Boston Globe - Preservation a Growth Engine, Not Barrier

Stowell, Stephen Sstowell at lowellma.gov
Thu May 25 10:12:35 EDT 2006

In case you missed the Boston Globe article on Monday regarding home costs dragging down state growth and tied to other things such as population loss and lack of job creation, this Letter to the Editor might be of interest to you.  Within the article, Harvard economist Edward Glaeser noted that permitting restrictions limit growth, job creation, etc. and preservation got mentioned as a "barrier to building."  We felt it necessary to respond and refute claims in the article.  Below you will find the link to the letter which appeared in today's Opinion Pages in the Globe.

Preserve America Community

National Trust for Historic Preservation, National Preservation Honor Award

National Trust for Historic Preservation Distinctive Destination Community

Stephen Stowell
Lowell Historic Board
JFK Civic Center
50 Arcand Drive
Lowell, MA  01852
(978) 970-4270/970-4262 fax
Sstowell at ci.lowell.ma.us

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