[MassHistPres] Position Opening: NH Director/State Historic Preservation Officer

Wilson, Linda Linda.Wilson at dcr.nh.gov
Thu Feb 8 14:47:50 EST 2007


The State of New Hampshire, Department of Cultural Resources, Division
of Historical Resources, is seeking a Director and State Historic
Preservation Officer (SHPO) to administer New Hampshire's State Historic
Preservation Office. The Director reports to the Commissioner of the
Department of Cultural Resources and supervises a staff of professional
historians, architectural historians, archaeologists and support staff.
As SHPO, the Director manages the federal preservation program in New
Hampshire, including the National Register of Historic Places, Historic
Preservation Tax Credits, Section 106 Environmental Review, Certified
Local Governments, Survey and Inventory, Planning, Covenant and
Technical Assistance programs.
The Division of Historical Resources (DHR) is a state agency, supported
by the State of New Hampshire, in addition to the federal Historic
Preservation Fund (through a matching grant administered by the National
Park Service of the U.S. Department of the Interior). Among the DHR's
state programs and activities are the State Conservation and Rescue
Archaeology Program (SCRAP), archaeological permitting, the NH State
Register of Historic Places, the state curatorial program, NH Historical
Highway Markers, a quarterly newsletter, the NH Historic Agricultural
Structures Advisory Committee, the State Historical Resources Council,
and technical assistance to municipalities, citizen groups and planning
The DHR works with many other federal, state, and local agencies,
organizations, groups, and individuals in areas of mutual interest and
concern, such as NH DOT's "Stone Walls" protection policy, the State
Land Management Team, and the state's Scenic/Cultural Byways program.
Other partnerships focus on affordable housing, rural preservation,
traditional arts, natural resource protection, community charrettes, and
technical assistance to enable historic properties to meet the
requirements of building and safety codes and the Americans with
Disabilities Act.  Of its many public/private partnerships, the DHR has
an especially strong and productive working relationship with the New
Hampshire Preservation Alliance, the non-profit statewide organization
dedicated to the preservation of New Hampshire's historic buildings,
landscapes and communities through leadership, advocacy, and education.
The Division of Historical Resources seeks an energetic and accomplished
Director to build on current program strengths and provide leadership to
the State on preservation issues. The Director will have program
management and decision-making authority encompassing policy, planning,
budget, and supervisory responsibilities.
Background and Skills Required:
*	Managerial experience, and strong leadership and supervisory
*	Experience working with other state and federal government
*	Experience working with the media 
*	Working knowledge of cultural resource preservation laws 
*	Experience preparing and working with governmental budgeting,
fiscal management, and grants management procedures 
*	Skilled understanding of current issues and practices related to
historic preservation, historic structures, cultural landscapes, and
archaeological sites 
*	Well-practiced understanding of federal and state preservation
laws, regulations, policies, and procedures 
*	Ability to communicate effectively 
*	Excellent writing and speaking skills 
*	Proven skills in negotiation, conflict resolution, and consensus
*	Ability to provide leadership, support, and direction to
professional, technical, and support staff 
*	Ability to maintain and enhance working relationships with other
state and federal agencies, legislators, the preservation community, and
the general public 
*	Ability to develop and implement short and long range plans that
meet established goals and contribute to overall Department goals 
Education and Experience:
This is a highly responsible, upper-level management position requiring
a graduate degree in historic preservation or a closely related field
with ten years of professional experience and five years of experience
in an administrative capacity.
The successful candidate must have a professional record of significant
accomplishments in historic preservation. This candidate should
demonstrate evidence of substantial administrative experience, extensive
hands-on work related to historic preservation and archaeological
resources, and a strong commitment to both historic preservation and
serving the public.
Additional information about the Division of Historical Resources is
included in the text of New Hampshire Revised Statues 227-C and
available online at:
Interested applicants might also want to review the agency website at:
Salary commensurate with experience. An excellent fringe benefits
package includes: health insurance, paid vacation, sick leave, holidays,
and retirement.

Application Process:

Interested persons should submit a cover letter, resume, five current
references with names and phone numbers, statement of historic
preservation commitment and approach, and salary requirements to
Kathleen Stanick, Business Administrator, 20 Park Street, Concord, NH
Questions regarding the application process should be directed to
Kathleen Stanick, Business Administrator, kstanick at library.state.nh.us
or 603/271-2400.

Application materials will be accepted until February 23, 2007 


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