[MassHistPres] Advertising signage on state owned bus shelters within Historic Districts

Hayward, Christopher J. chayward at ci.watertown.ma.us
Fri Feb 9 11:51:30 EST 2007

Good morning,


I have a situation where a bus shelter was recently constructed within
our Historic District.  The bus shelter is owned by the state and the
advertising signage placed on it, which is handled by a private company,
generates money for the Town.  The Historic District Commission has
jurisdiction over signage placed within the district but it has been
tricky at best to get the state or the private signage company to come
before the Commission for approval.  


Has anyone run into a situation like this and if so, do you have any
advice for a relatively new Preservation Agent to find an amicable way
through it?


I would appreciate any advice.


Thank you,




Christopher J. Hayward 
Conservation/Preservation Agent 
Tree Warden 
Town of Watertown, MA 
149 Main Street 
Watertown, MA 02472 
P: 617-972-6426 
Fax: 617-972-6484 
chayward at ci.watertown.ma.us <mailto:chayward at ci.watertown.ma.us>  


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