[MassHistPres] Looking for (en)lightenment...
Wilson, Linda
Linda.Wilson at dcr.nh.gov
Fri Jun 1 11:35:09 EDT 2007
Historic preservation consultants working on a federal Transportation
Enhancement streetscape project in a rural NH village are looking for
appropriate street lighting. The ideal choice would be fluted metal
shades over exposed bulbs "a la 1930s rural electrification." Can
anyone suggest sources, or alternatives? If you can cite catalogs,
product numbers, and/or other specifics (including contacts in locations
where similar new fixtures have been used) we would be grateful.
Please forgive cross-postings -- we're trying to cast the net as widely
as possible!
Linda Ray Wilson
NH Division of Historical Resources
19 Pillsbury Street
Concord NH 03301-3570
Tel 603-271-6434
Fax 603-271-3433
NEW e-mail address! linda.wilson at dcr.nh.gov
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