[MassHistPres] MHC Survey and Planning Grants 2008 Pre-Application Now Available
Steinitz, Michael @ SEC
Michael.Steinitz at state.ma.us
Mon Oct 15 16:15:33 EDT 2007
Dear Fellow Preservationist:
I am writing to announce the beginning of the Massachusetts Historical
Commission (MHC) Fiscal Year 2008 Survey and Planning Grant cycle. As
in the previous, FY 2007 round, eligible applicants include all local
historical commissions, local historic district commissions, planning
offices, and other eligible public and non-profit historic preservation
organizations. The MHC is again targeting a total awards planning figure
of $200,000 for this FY 2008 matching grant round.
Complete Guidelines and a Pre-Application Form are available from MHC's
web site at: www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc under "New at MHC." Applications
must be accompanied by the Pre-Application Form.
As the State Historic Preservation Office, the Massachusetts Historical
Commission is responsible for administering the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. The Act authorizes the Secretary
of the Interior, through the National Park Service and State Historic
Preservation Offices, to grant funds to communities and private
non-profit organizations for a wide range of preservation related
activities. These include completion of cultural resource inventories,
nomination of significant properties to the National Register of
Historic Places, completion of community-wide preservation plans, and
other types of studies, reports, publications and projects that relate
to the identification and protection of significant historic properties
and sites. The goal of the Survey and Planning Grant program is to
support efforts to identify and plan for the protection of the
significant historic buildings, structures, archaeological sites and
landscapes of the Commonwealth.
MHC is initiating the Fiscal Year 2008 grant round of funding for local
historical commissions and historic district commissions, municipal
planning and community development offices, Certified Local Governments
(CLGs), non-profit organizations, and other eligible applicants. (MHC is
required under federal law to pass through 10% of its federal allocation
to Certified Local Governments).
A Survey and Planning grant can provide critical support for projects
that help to preserve the character of your community. Please consider
applying for a grant by completing a Pre-Application and returning it to
the Massachusetts Historical Commission by Friday, December 14, 2007
(postmark acceptable-no faxed or emailed applications accepted).
A. Eligible Applicants for FY 2008 Survey and Planning Grant
funding are:
1. Local historical commissions created under M.G.L., Chapter 40
sec. 8(d);
2. Historic district commissions or study committees;
3. City and town planning offices and boards or community
development offices;
4. Regional planning agencies and state agencies;
5. Educational institutions;
6. Certified Local Governments of Boston, Bedford, Brookline,
Danvers, Eastham, Falmouth, Grafton, Hingham, Lowell, Medfield, Methuen,
New Bedford, Newton, Plymouth, Quincy, Salem, Somerville, and Worcester;
7. Private non profit organizations.
All applicants must be able to meet deadlines, monitor project work, and
have a financial system that meets federal standards. If the applicant
is not the local historical commission, the comments of the local
historical commission will be required if the applicant is invited to
submit a full proposal.
B. Eligible Projects That Will Be Funding Priorities for FY 2008
All projects must be consistent with the objectives of the Massachusetts
State Historic Preservation Plan, 2006- 2010 (available on-line at
www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc), which stresses the need for identification,
evaluation, and protection of the state's cultural resources. The
following project types are considered eligible for funding:
1. Community-wide or targeted inventories of historic,
architectural, landscape or archaeological resources, or planning
(preliminary survey) projects to prepare for such inventories.
2. Preparation of National Register of Historic Places nominations.
MHC will consider National Register district nominations ONLY if there
is documented support for the district from owners and/or community
officials. In addition, nominations may be prepared for individually
eligible public properties and those owned by private nonprofit
organizations. Prior to submission of a full application, the MHC must
have completed an evaluation as to the National Register eligibility of
the district or individual properties. A community-wide survey, which
provides a context for the evaluation, must have been completed before
an evaluation can be made.
3. Other planning projects relating to the identification,
evaluation, and protection of National Register-eligible resources.
Examples include: a preservation plan component of a community master
plan; a feasibility study of the financial, technical, or economic
alternatives to or advisability of a proposed preservation planning
project; the development of historic preservation public information;
heritage tourism programs; local historic district design guidelines;
and training and/or educational programs.
4. Studies necessary to enable future development or protection of
a National Register-listed property, including development of plans and
specifications for restoration or rehabilitation. Historic Structures
Reports may include the preparation of outline plans and specifications
for a Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund (MPPF) application.
(Only CLG applicants may apply in this category.)
C. Funding
The National Park Service through the Massachusetts Historical
Commission provides funding for Survey and Planning grants. Grant funds
must be administered in accordance with federal and state requirements.
MHC complies with Equal Opportunity regulations. The standard state
contract is required.
Survey & Planning Matching Grants:
Grants are 60/40 % matching reimbursement grants. The local share (40%)
must be from a non federal source; the only exception is Community
Development Block Grant funding, which can be used as a local match. A
cash match is preferable. Existing paid staff and volunteers (unpaid)
may, however, use the value of their time donated to the project as part
of the match. Volunteer time may contribute up to 25% of the local
share. The donated time must be necessary and reasonable to meet the
project goals and must be adequately documented by MHC time sheets.
Volunteer time will be valued at minimum wage unless a higher rate can
be documented and is approved by the MHC.
Grant requests should be for no less than $6,000 for a minimum total
project cost of $10,000. Community-wide survey grant requests should be
for no less than $12,000 for a minimum total project cost of $20,000.
There is no maximum amount; however, grants in FY 2007 ranged from
$7,200 to $24,000. Projects must be from 6 12 months in duration and
should be able to start administratively around July 2008. Project work
must be completed by June 30, 2009. Survey and Planning grants are
reimbursement grants. The grant recipient must first expend the total
project cost. Upon submission of a satisfactory project completion
report (which includes financial documentation for the total project
cost), the recipient will be reimbursed for 60% of eligible project
costs up to the amount of the grant allocation. No partial
reimbursements will be considered. A grant recipient therefore must have
sufficient funds available to cover the entire cost of the project prior
to reimbursement. Matching-share funds must be in place when a grant
award is made.
Note that no project-paid consultants can be pre selected by the
applicant. Federal and state regulations require an open selection
process. The applicant, if selected for funding, will receive further
instructions on procurement procedures. Potential consultants should
play no role in shaping applications.
D. Application Procedures
The original copy of the letter of intent to apply for funds (MUST
INCLUDE PRE-APPLICATION FORM available at www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc ) must
be submitted to the MHC office by Friday, December 14, 2007. Postmark is
acceptable. No faxed or emailed applications. Letters/Proposals should
be addressed to:
Michael Steinitz
Director, Preservation Planning Division
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, Massachusetts 02125
E. Selection Process
MHC staff and a subcommittee of the full Commission will evaluate pre-
and full applications and proposals. The Commission will invite full S&P
applications at its January 9, 2008, commission meeting. The full
application will be due by March 7, 2008. Grant awards will be made at
the April 9, 2008, MHC meeting. All MHC monthly meetings are open to the
F. Evaluation and Selection Criteria
Survey & Planning Matching Grants:
All pre-applications will be reviewed and selected for an invitation to
prepare a full application based on the following criteria:
1. Demonstration that the proposed project will represent a public
benefit by supporting local and state historic preservation priorities
established by the MHC and the local historical commission.
2. Identification of the funding match source; demonstration that
the match is in place or will be in place by the time of the grant
award; demonstrated understanding of the reimbursement nature of the MHC
3. Demonstration of financial need, i.e., that other funding has
been sought and is not available and/or that the proposed activities
could not be undertaken without Survey and Planning grant support.
4. Demonstration that the proposed activity can realistically be
completed within the budget and time frame of the project.
5. MHC will consider statewide geographic distribution in its
invitations for full application. MHC will also give special
consideration to first-time applicants.
The following selection criteria will be used to evaluate full
1. Appropriateness of Proposed Project: Preference will be given to
applications that demonstrate a clear understanding of the preservation
needs of the community and that propose projects which address state,
regional, or local preservation goals and objectives as outlined in the
Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Plan 2006-2010 (available at
2. Level of Information: Preference will be given to survey
projects in communities where the existing level of information about
cultural resources is low or nonexistent, as identified by the State
Reconnaissance Survey in a Regional Report or as identified by the MHC.
3. Level of Significance: Preference will be given to communities
with significant historic, architectural, or landscape/archaeological
resources, as identified in an existing community cultural resources
survey, in an MHC Regional Reconnaissance Survey report, or as
identified in the State Historic Preservation Plan.
4. Potential for Loss or Destruction: Preference will be given to
communities whose historic, architectural, landscape or archaeological
resources are threatened with loss or destruction, as identified by the
MHC Regional Report or as identified by the State Historic Preservation
Plan. Major threats to a community's resources include pressure from new
development, abandonment, deterioration, or underutilization.
5. Level of Local Preservation Activity: Preference will be given
to communities that have active local historical commissions. For
applications submitted by an office or local organization other than the
local historical commission, the supporting documents must include a
letter of support and evidence that the applicant is coordinating
efforts with the local historical commission.
6. Demonstrated Understanding of Work to be Performed: Preference
will be given to applications that demonstrate a clear understanding of
the tasks to be undertaken and products to be submitted under the
appropriate MHC scope of work and timetable.
7. Extent and Nature of Public Benefit: Preference will be given to
applications demonstrating that the project's products will be available
and of benefit to the general public. Preference will also be given to
applications that complement other ongoing national, state, or regional
planning and revitalization efforts.
8. Administrative and Financial Management Capabilities: Preference
will be given to applicants who demonstrate strong capabilities to
administer funds and ensure completion of the project in a timely and
effective manner. Completeness of the grant application will be
considered. Past performance as a sub-grantee, if applicable, also will
be considered. All project work must be completed by June 30, 2008.
9. MHC will consider statewide geographic distribution of
applicants in its grant awards.
If you have any questions on a potential project scope of work, please
contact us at (617) 727-8470 or by email:
National Register projects: Betsy Friedberg, Director, National Register
Program (betsy.friedberg at state.ma.us)
Preservation planning projects: Christopher Skelly, Director, Local
Governments Program (christopher.skelly at state.ma.us)
Archaeology projects: Leonard Loparto, Preservation
Planner/Archaeologist (leonard.loparto at state.ma.us)
Survey projects: Peter Stott, Preservation Planner,
(pstott at sec.state.ma.us)
Historic structures reports: Carol DiNinno, Preservation Planner
(carol.dininno at state.ma.us)
General questions: Michael Steinitz, Director, Preservation Planning
Division (michael.steinitz at state.ma.us)
This program receives Federal financial assistance for identification
and protection of historic properties. Under Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and
the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, the U.S. Department of
the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color,
national origin, age, disability or age in its federally assisted
programs. If you believe you have been discriminated against in any
program, activity, or facility as described above, or if you desire
further information, please write to: Office for Equal Opportunity,
National Park Service, 1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240.
VISIT www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc)
Michael Steinitz
Due: December 14, 2007
Director, Preservation Planning Division
(Postmark acceptable)
Massachusetts Historical Commission No faxed
or emailed applications
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3314
IN KIND SERVICES (paid employee on staff):$
Explain in a concise statement how the proposed project relates to past,
current, and future preservation activity in the community, region or
state. Describe how the results of the proposed project will be
incorporated into the community, region, or state planning process, and
the extent to which the results will be made available and used by the
general public. Provide any other information on the special qualities
of the project, which makes it deserving of funding. Please address the
five Selection Criteria for Invitations for Full Applications. (See
Guidelines Item F.)
Michael Steinitz
Preservation Planning Division
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02144
617-727-5128 (fax)
michael.steinitz at state.ma.us
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