[MassHistPres] Campus Heritage Planning Oct. 18 Symposium

Pamela Hartford bbookmark at covad.net
Fri Sep 14 09:26:00 EDT 2007

How can Boston's colleges best compete?

Boston's colleges and universities contribute significantly to the  
physical and cultural heritage of the city. They are also vital  
engines within our local economy, drawing thousands of students,  
scholars, and researchers and employing hundreds of faculty and staff.

On October 18, the Boston Preservation Alliance offers "Campus  
Heritage Planning: The Urban Challenge," a day-long symposium that  
brings together leaders in higher education, campus planners, public  
officials, and other interested professionals from Boston and from  
institutions around the country to share experience and ideas on how  
Boston's colleges and universities can best take advantage of their  
historic and cultural resources.

The event costs $150 if you work at an educational institution, $175  
for all others registering prior to October 1,($200 thereafter), and  
takes place from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm at the Boston Architectural  
College, 951 Boylston Street, Boston. For more information and a  
registration brochure,visit www.bostonpreservation.org, call  
617-367-2458, or email phartford at bostonpreservation.org.

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