[MassHistPres] FW: [HP-NH] [HP-MA] Request for Proposal: Interpretive Assessment Old NH State House

Wilson, Linda Linda.Wilson at dcr.nh.gov
Thu Apr 3 17:32:59 EDT 2008

Please Note:  This RFP is for a project that is separate from the Preserve America Grant RFP 
 distributed by the  Division of Historical Resources in March of 2008. 


 Request for Proposal

Interpretive Assessment Old NH State House


Issue Date:  April 3, 2008

Proposal Due Date:  May 2, 2008

Anticipated Project Start Time:  July 1, 2008

Estimated Project End State:  October 15, 2008


Project Information:


The New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources (NHDHR) is seeking a qualified consultant to perform an interpretive assessment of the structural and architectural elements commonly referred to as the Old State House (OSH), currently in storage in Concord, NH.  The interpretive assessment is one of several studies being conducted as part of an Economic Development Initiative (EDI) grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) received by the NHDHR for the OSH.  


Built in 1758 in Portsmouth, NH, the OSH was the seat of New Hampshire's colonial government.  Dismantled in 1836, one third of the building's frame was removed to Portsmouth's Court Street and survived after being converted into a townhouse.  In 1969, the State of New Hampshire purchased the building and moved it to Strawbery Banke Museum to await restoration.   After two decades of delay, the structure was removed from Strawbery Banke Museum in 1990.  An historic structures report was prepared and the building elements marked, placed into storage, and moved to Concord, NH.  The project is part of a two year study of the OSH and its value as a historical artifact and as a catalyst for heritage tourism in New Hampshire.  An interpretive assessment of these elements will be critical as the NHDHR explores various possibilities for reuse of the structure. The 493 numbered pieces in storage comprise a two and a half story 30'x30'6" structure.  The components consist mostly of major framing members, sheathing, and floor boards.  Additional material in storage, including the majority of surviving architectural elements, date to the rehabilitation of the structure in the 1830's.  


Overview of Scope of Services Required


The successful consultant will complete an assessment of the interpretive value of the various elements of the OSH currently in storage.  The consultant will be responsible for reviewing existing research and materials related to the OSH.  These materials include an historic structures report, various articles and papers on the OSH, photographs, and blueprints of the material placed in storage and conjectural drawings of the original OSH all currently stored in Concord, NH.  A recent conservator's report and digital architectural images will be available to the consultant on the NHDHR website.  The assessment will evaluate the interpretive potential of the OSH and provide recommendations for engaging and relevant interpretive models for the architectural elements as part of a reconstruction, as a partial reconstruction, and as a museum exhibit of the OSH.  In the fall of 2008 the consultant is expected to attend a roundtable discussion of all findings concerning this grant.  The costs for this are not included in this RFP.


Specific Services / Tasks Required:


*	Review the general historic information, drawings, and past and current reports related to the OSH. 


*	Provide an assessment of the best uses of the OSH, the interpretive stories it can convey, and an analysis of which stories will have the broadest appeal.  Give recommendations for engaging and relevant interpretive models for the architectural elements as part of a reconstruction, as a partial reconstruction, and as a museum exhibit of the OSH.  Evaluate the potential role of technology in implementing the recommendations for interpretation.  


*	Evaluate the recommended interpretive models of the OSH and compare them to the current trends and interests of the general public.  Assess the uniqueness of the recommended interpretive models to other attractions in the region.      


*	After review of a draft report by NHDHR, present 5 hard copies and 1 digital copy of the completed report that details the findings and recommendations of the interpretive assessment are to be provided by the consultant.  This project shall be completed no later then October 15, 2008. 




Federal qualifications apply.  The consultant will have at least an undergraduate degree in history, education, or a closely related field of study, plus a minimum of four (4) years of full-time professional experience applying the theories, methods, and practices of historic interpretation that demonstrate the successful application of acquired proficiencies in the discipline to the practice of historic interpretation. Previous experience working with social themes and architectural history is preferred.  


Bid Submission Requirements:


*	Three copies of the proposal must be submitted for consideration. Proposals will also include resumes of key project personnel and a mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address for the principal contact.   


*	Proposals must be received at the NH Division of Historical Resources, 19 Pillsbury Street, Concord, NH 03301-3570 before 4:00 PM on May 3rd, 2008.  Proposals will not be accepted electronically. 


*	Consultants will have education and experience that meets the aforementioned qualifications and will have recent experience developing engaging interpretive models at historic sites.  Proposals will not be considered complete without a statement of how the consultant's experience meets the expectations of this project. All proposals will be evaluated on a matrix scale where qualifications will be weighed more heavily then the price of the bid.  


*	The proposal will include a list of three client references for projects similar in scope.  Include the name and phone number of the contact person.  


*	A not to exceed bid and a schedule for the work outlined must be provided as part of proposal package.  


The selected proposal will be recommended to the Director of the NHDHR and forwarded to the Governor and Executive Council for approval.  The Consultant chosen for the project is required to meet the provisions outlined in the State's P-37 Service Agreement Contract.  The "Scope of Work" is a realistic outline of work to be done, however, the scope may increase or decrease during the term of the final service agreement.  Work is expected to begin in July 1st, 2008.  


  All questions on the project or the proposal should be submitted to Peter Michaud at (603) 271-3583 at least two days prior to the deadline.  NHDHR reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all proposals.  



Peter Michaud

Special Projects Director

NH Division of Historical Resources

19 Pillsbury Street

Concord, NH 03301-3570

(603) 271-3583  fax (603) 271-3433  

Peter.Michaud at DCR.NH.gov  <mailto:Peter.Michaud at DCR.NH.gov > 



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HP-NH 08-0015 

www.nh.gov/nhdhr <http://www.nh.gov/nhdhr>  



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