[MassHistPres] incredible insensitivity

Dennis De Witt djdewitt at rcn.com
Sun Apr 27 12:42:37 EDT 2008

For those who don't get the Globe.  On page 1 is a picture of the new  
entrance steps of Guy Lowell's grand Fenway facade of the MFA, which  
is about to be reopened.  Handicapped ramps have been added  
approaching the reconfigured main stairs from both sides.  The ramps  
are "hidden" behind solid walls whose sloping tops rise in front of  
the basses of Lowell's elegant colossal Ionic columns -- obliterating  
the basses so that the columns seem to spring, unsupported, from a  
cockeyed sloping wall.

Such incredible insensitivity on the part of the MFA and its  
architects is (or should be) absolutely astonishing.

Dennis De Witt

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