[MassHistPres] Asphalt roof shingles

djdewitt at rcn.com djdewitt at rcn.com
Fri Jul 18 07:55:59 EDT 2008

Charlie's note reflects the fact that we've had this discussion here before.  And, 
frankly, Cambridge seems to have a more consistantly applied position than we 
do.  But I think I would make a couple of distinctions.  First, in the case of a 
19thC house the original roof would in have been wood shingles or slate -- not 
very flat asphalt.  The greater substance and visual texture of those two 
materials is important.  Second, in the case of let's say "upperish-middle class" 
houses, the use of wood shingles continued up to and even after WWII.  We have 
1930s tax taking PICs showing wood shingles still commonly in use.  In the area 
where I grew up (a chicago suburb, somewhat like south Brookline) wood 
shingles continued to be used (far from exclusively, to be sure) on new and 
existing homes at least into the early '50s.

So, while there are mixed feelings about them on our commission, we do accept 
architectural shingles but try not to let them get too "furry".  Also, frankly, they 
are in the very long term "reversible".  We would rather take heat for preserving 
windows and wood gutters than for being to rigid about shingles.  (That's why 
we also do not do paint colors.)

Dennis De Witt

Our stock response is that architectural shingles are a modern contrivance that 
do not usually resemble any traditional building material or roof treatment. 
When the existing roof is covered with asphalt shingles, we will almost 
automatically approve replacement with three-tab shingles in charcoal gray 
because they are neutral and unobtrusive. (We understand that three-tabs have 
only been around for a century, but in some cases that qualifies them as 
traditional too.) Anything else requires debate. 

Charles M. Sullivan, Executive Director 
Cambridge Historical Commission 
831 Massachusetts Avenue 
Cambridge, Mass.  02139 
617 349-4684 voice, 349-3116 fax 

-----Original Message----- 
From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu [mailto:masshistpres-
bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Jane Guy 
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2008 1:44 PM 
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
Subject: [MassHistPres] Asphalt roof shingles 

Hi Everyone, 

I am interested in collecting several local historical commission's 
policies with regard to asphalt shingles.  Specifically, I would like to 
know how your Commissions feel about 3-tab versus architectural 
shingles.  If you have written guidelines on this topic, I would love a 
copy.  If not, an email back would be great. 


Jane A. Guy 
Assistant Community Development Director 
City of Salem 
Department of Planning & Community Development 
120 Washington St., 3rd Floor 
Salem, MA  01970 
978-745-9595, Ext. 5685 
(F) 978-740-0404 
jguy at salem.com 
www.salem.com <http://www.salem.com/> 

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