[MassHistPres] historic homes plaques

Jonathan Feist jfeist at charter.net
Wed Mar 12 08:05:30 EDT 2008

This is probably a good idea, and I'm probably just being a stick-in-the-mud
about it, but I have mixed feelings, both as a HDC chair and the owner of

    Harvard Shaker Meetinghouse

On one hand, it raises awareness of the town's historical significance.

On the other hand, it's a little like having a painting and writing "cow,"
"house," "tree," etc. with arrows pointing at the different elements. And
it's a little like bragging, too. Does it inspire burglaring?

It's a step away from being a real place and towards being a living history
museum, and that aspect of it doesn't sit well with me. I want beauty to be
normal, not just for special occasions.

A solution that's been discussed here is to have a sign at one end of the
village with all structures labeled. That's a little better, I guess.



Jonathan Feist, Chair
Harvard Historical Commission
978-772-4864 (home)
617-747-2148 (Berklee office)

Preserve Historical Harvard, MA:

on 3/6/08 2:36 PM, annsinclair14 at comcast.net at annsinclair14 at comcast.net

> The Orleans Historical Society is looking into establishing a program for
> plaques for historic homes.  We would appreciate information from historical
> societies having such programs.  We would like to know what your
> guidelines/ctireria are.  Is there an application?  If so what does it
> contain?  What do you charge?  How do you handle replacement of plaques when
> they "wear out"?  What does the plaque look like.
> I would appreciate any information you can give me either by email or phone.
> Ann Sinclair
> Orleans Historical Society
> annsinclair at comcast .net
> 508-255-5371
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