[MassHistPres] FW: NH Historic Sites Interpretive Assessment
Rebecca Williams
Rebecca_Williams at nthp.org
Wed Mar 12 10:33:56 EDT 2008
The New Hampshire Division of Historical Resources (NHDHR) is seeking a qualified consultant to work with state offices and historic site friends groups to develop new theme based interpretive models at the following five state owned historic sites:
* The Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion, Little Harbor Road, Portsmouth, NH
* The Robert Frost Farm, 122 Rockingham Road, Derry, NH
* The Franklin Pierce Homestead, Off Route 31, Hillsborough, NH
* The John Wingate Weeks Home, Off Route 3, Lancaster, NH
* The Tip Top House, The Summit of Mt. Washington, Sargent's Purchase, NH
The above historic sites represent architectural traditions and historical contexts that span from the mid-Eighteenth Century to the early 20th century. The interiors are a mix of fully and partially furnished rooms that represent a particular period of significance to the house to sparsely and unfurnished spaces that rely on less traditional modes of interpretation. Using existing research and museum displays this project, funded by a Preserve America Grant granted to the NHDHR for the reinterpretation of select state owned historic sites in NH, will work to improve the visitor experience and attract new audiences, engage key supporters at these historic sites, and provide a thematic focus to the interpretation of these sites. For more information on this project please visit our website at www.nh.gov\nhdhr<http://www.nh.gov/nhdhr>. The RFP can be found under "Notice to Bidders" in the "Quick Links" box on the main page. To open directly to the RFP, please log onto:
Peter Michaud
Special Projects Director
NH Division of Historical Resources
19 Pillsbury Street
Concord, NH 03301-3570
(603) 271-3583 fax (603) 271-3433
Peter.Michaud at DCR.NH.gov<mailto:Peter.Michaud at DCR.NH.gov>
Rebecca Williams| Field Representative, Northeast Office
National Trust for Historic Preservation | Seven Faneuil Hall Marketplace, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02109
Phone: 617.523.0885| Fax: 617.5231199| Email: Rebecca_Williams at nthp.org<blocked::mailto:Rebecca_Williams at nthp.org> | www.PreservationNation.org<http://www.preservationnation.org/>
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