[MassHistPres] local HC minutes

Joseph S. Larson larson at tei.umass.edu
Thu Oct 2 11:12:41 EDT 2008


I e-mail a formal agenda to each Commission member a few days before each 
meeting. Our secretary member downloads it to his lap top, brings the laptop 
to the meeting and fills in a summary of the discussion of each topic as we 
go. This method means that when we adjourn he has the minutes done with onlt 
minor editing needed before we see them at the next meeting.

The key to this process is to have a formal agenda in a consistent format, 
including a section on unfinished topics for later discussion and action - 
plus a willing secretary member.

Joseph S. Larson, Chairman
Pelham Historical Commission
27 Arnold Road
Pelham, Massachusetts 01002-9757

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