[MassHistPres] MassHistPres Digest, Vol 32, Issue 1

Marla R. Miller mmiller at history.umass.edu
Thu Oct 2 15:45:17 EDT 2008

Dear all,

The Town of Hadley invites proposals to hire a historic preservation consultant
to provide professional research and documentation for a survey of the town’s
agricultural structures.

Existing survey work in Hadley encompasses more than 700 buildings, structures
and objects.  Those surveys, however, did not include barns and other
agricultural outbuildings.  Given the importance of farming to the history of
the community, in 2007-08 the Hadley historical commission conducted an initial
survey of approximately 90 barns in three as-yet undocumented neighborhoods
deemed most threatened by disuse or development.  Preliminary forms include
description of form and materials, history of use when known, and provisional
construction dates. A website developed from this material can be found at:

The historical commission now seeks to complete a more formal survey of those
structures and to add to our survey base other agricultural buildings in the
town’s three national register districts, using funds from the community
preservation act.  The project is also timed to coincide with the town’s 350th
celebration in 2009.  The consultant will be expected to share survey progress
and/or results with a public audience in August of the anniversary year.

Proposal specifications can be obtained at the Board of Selectmen, Town of
Hadley, 100 Middle Street, Hadley, MA 01035 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and
4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.  For more information please contact Hadley
town administrator David Nixon at 413-586-0221.  The deadline for submittal is
October 30, 2008 at 2:00 p.m.

Marla Miller
Hadley Historical Commission co-chair

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