[MassHistPres] Preservation Opportunities for Old Farmstead

Dcolebslade at aol.com Dcolebslade at aol.com
Wed Oct 15 10:37:20 EDT 2008

The Land Trust has won a bid for several acres of land which  contain several 
farm buildings, a residence and a historic cemetery.  The  Land Trust and CPC 
have expressed the desire to preserve the buildings as  well as the land.   
CPC is willing to contribute funds for historic  preservation and for 
affordable housing.  It is suggested that the  land will be used for agricultural 
purposes and the house for the farmer. There  is a meeting tonight of the Land 
Trust, members of the Historical Commission and  others to discuss this.  My 
question to you:  How would you go about  "protecting" these buildings and the 
"landscape" but allowing required changes  for farming purposes?  Is there 
experience around the State that we might  draw from?  One thought is to create a 
"local historic district" for  this property as a whole.
We would appreciate your comments.
Betty Slade
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