[MassHistPres] mothballing vacant properties

Michele P. Barker mpbarker at preservationmass.org
Thu Apr 30 13:08:34 EDT 2009

I recently received a question from some folks in a community that has lost
lots of buildings to vandals, arsonists, and just plain neglect. My contacts
would like to see what steps the municpality might take to secure vacant
buildings. So they're looking for other communities that have effective
"mothballing" or "buttoning up" programs-how they're funded, what sorts of
issues need to be addressed regarding property rights if the buildings are
still owned privately, and what sorts of methods of securing the buildings
tend to be the most vandal-proof (or maybe I should say vandal-retardant,
since folks will find a way in if they're really determined!).  If anyone's
aware of a community-not necessarily in Mass-that has a good program, please
let me know.






Michele P. Barker


Circuit Rider


mpbarker at preservationmass.org

Preservation Massachusetts


The Massachusetts Circuit Rider Program is a partnership of Preservation
Massachusetts and the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Northeast

National Trust for Historic Preservation



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