[MassHistPres] Road Work in LHD

redhawk at redhawkstudio.com redhawk at redhawkstudio.com
Mon Jan 5 11:55:54 EST 2009

In Concord it is the practice for the HDC to review road projects where components fall within our purview as defined under a written Administrative Policy (APP#37 Historic Districts Commission Authority Over Town Projects (http://www.concordma.gov/pages/ConcordMA_TownManager/policies/app37)). Thus we review curbing, tree removal, walls, sidewalks and so on, but not street pavement width or material and not traffic signs.

I am not aware of any written standards issued by the HDC.

-Karle Packard
Concord Historic Districts Commission

-----Original Message-----
From: Gretchen Schuler [mailto:ggschuler at verizon.net]
Sent: Monday, January 5, 2009 09:03 AM
To: 'Historic Preservation List-serv'
Subject: [MassHistPres] Road Work in LHD

Does anyone have experience of a local historic district commission reviewing (and approving) road work on roads maintained by the local DPW or Highway Department? If you have information about what you reviewed (traffic light infrastructure, crosswalks, curbs, sidewalks, etc.) and how you established any standards by which you "measured" the proposed work, please do tell us. 

Many thanks in advance.

Gretchen Schuler
Wayland Historic District Commission

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