[MassHistPres] seeking guidelines

RobynBFernald at aol.com RobynBFernald at aol.com
Thu Jan 8 11:05:33 EST 2009

Island Grove Park in Abington  MA was placed on the National Register  of 
Historic Places in 2002  The Memorial Arch that welcomes visitors to the  park 
needs repair. It is a concrete structure that shows signs  of deterioration of 
the facade evidenced by  crumpling concrete.  Over the years it has sustain 
attacks  of vandalism/graffiti but the removal process has worn away the  
surface.  A watchful resident brought his concern to the Historical  commission. We 
are hesitant to commit to any promises at this time for we lack  the needed 
information to do so.  The AHC is seeking guidelines or any  information that 
would benefit our search for plans, consultants, estimates and  funding. We are 
well aware that many funding wells are drying up due to many  factors of the 
current economic situation. But we need to know how to  properly handle such a 
repair. We ask those communities that have had similar  situations arise to 
help educate our commission.
Robyn B Fernald
Chair of the Abington Hsitorical Commission
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