[MassHistPres] Heritage Landscape Inventory upcoming info meetings - Fri. 6/19 and Wed 6/24

Rowcroft, Jessica (DCR) Jessica.Rowcroft at state.ma.us
Mon Jun 15 15:55:17 EDT 2009

Reminder - the informational workshops for the Heritage Landscape
Inventory Program are swiftly approaching!  Please let me know if you
will be able to join us as we look to continue to work with additional
communities in the Connecticut River Valley on the identification and
planning for the protection of your heritage landscapes. 

The following communities are eligible to apply to participate:  Agawam,
Amherst, Ashfield, Belchertown, Blandford, Buckland, Charlemont,
Chester, Chesterfield, Chicopee, Colrain, Conway, Cummington, Deerfield,
East Longmeadow, Erving, Gill, Goshen, Granby, Granville, Hadley,
Hampden, Hawley, Heath, Holland, Holyoke, Huntington, Leyden,
Longmeadow, Ludlow, Middlefield, Monroe, Monson, Montague, Montgomery,
Northampton, Northfield, Pelham, Plainfield, Rowe, Russell, Shelburne,
Shutesbury, Southampton, Springfield, Sunderland, Tolland, Wales,
Wendell, West Springfield, Westhampton, Wilbraham, Williamsburg, and

We invite you to attend an informational workshop to learn how your
community can participate in the Heritage Landscape Inventory Program's
Connecticut River Valley Reconnaissance Survey.  The workshop will be
held twice:

*	Friday, June 19th, 9am to 10:30am at the Williamsburg Grange
Hall., 10 Main St, Williamsburg 
*	Wednesday, June 24th, 5:30pm to 7pm at the Sunderland Town
Offices, 12 School St, Sunderland, MA. 

The workshop will provide an overview of the Heritage Landscape
Inventory Program, the goals and methodology of the Connecticut River
Valley Reconnaissance Survey, the work of the program in this region to
date, and why your community should consider applying to participate.
Elected officials, municipal staff, and volunteers concerned about
community land use and resource protection efforts are all encouraged to
attend.   A cash match is NOT required to participate in the program!  

Participation in the Heritage Landscape Inventory Program will provide
communities with an opportunity to assemble residents from a diverse
range of backgrounds to identify special places and work toward
strategies to help proactively protect the natural and cultural
resources that help to define the character of their communities.  To
date, 108 communities in Massachusetts  - including 12 in the
Connecticut River Valley - have participated, and have utilized the work
to leverage funds for protection, pass critical bylaws, and bring new
partners to the table to help pursue other protective mechanisms.
Information gathered through the inventory will enable municipal leaders
as well as local and regional planners to better integrate heritage
landscapes into a community's strategic planning efforts.  For more
information on the program and application materials, please see the DCR
website: http://www.mass.gov/dcr/stewardship/histland/news.htm

 Please RSVP to DCR Preservation Planner Jessica Rowcroft at
617-626-1380 or jessica.rowcroft at state.ma.us
<BLOCKED::mailto:jessica.rowcroft at state.ma.us>   if you plan to attend
either workshop.

 Please feel free to share this announcement with others.

Jessica A. Rowcroft
Preservation Planner
Department of Conservation & Recreation
251 Causeway St, Suite 600
Boston, MA 02114
ph:  617.626.1380
Cemetery Landscape Preservation Workshop 
Brookline, MA, July 29 - 30, 2009
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