[MassHistPres] Federal tax credits for ripping out wood windows

Lee Wright lee at leewright.net
Fri Jun 26 15:59:32 EDT 2009

I hope I'm wrong and that readers of this list will supply clarifications
and corrections, but as I read the information on the various Federal
government sites (below) and the many ads from vendors of new windows, the
most recent round of Federal legislation for energy efficiency tax credits
essentially incents people to rip out their "old" windows and replace them
with new ones.
Is this your understanding, too?  
It would be a sad outcome, and certainly counter to the claim of "energy
efficiency," if we were essentially paying people to throw away perfectly
good wood windows rather than supporting making existing windows more energy
efficient.  We've seen the confusion and misunderstanding that exists
widely, and the onslaught of advertising, prompted by this new Federal
legislation, only reinforces this.
Because the Federal legislation prohibits a credit toward labor, I see of no
way, other than by promoting the addition of storms, that one could secure a
tax credit for window energy efficiency under the last round of credits.
Ideas to address this:
- Identify a study that we can share in our communities that describes the
way in which improvements to existing windows can yield similar savings.
We've posted one on the Society's site (at the bottom of this page:
http://historicmarlborough.org/Restoration.html).  It is, however, far from
user-friendly.  We've been unable to find objective, quantifiable
information.  Suggestions (and links) appreciated.
- Hold a workshop -- We at the Society are considering a Saturday morning
workshop that would include presentations and demos of an energy audit,
improvements to existing windows, and insulation alternatives, all focused
on old houses.
- Publicize these efforts -- Someone on the list sent around a link to the
Globe article awhile back and raised the question of the way in which the
article dealt with (or didn't deal with) wood windows.  The legislation
would provide a nice "news hook" to pitch a story that clears up the options
(regardless of whether or not the credits cover such improvements).
Suggestions and ideas welcome.
Best regards--
Lee Wright
The Marlborough Historical Society Board of Trustees
The Marlborough Historical Commission
lee at leewright.net
Summary:  <http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=products.pr_tax_credits#s1>
Additional information on windows:
Additional information from the IRS:
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