[MassHistPres] FW: Seeking help with upcoming New York Times article

Burks, Sarah sburks at cambridgema.gov
Mon May 11 19:43:03 EDT 2009

Sounds like an interesting article. Anybody have a house that fits the bill?

From: info at PreservationDirectory.com [mailto:info at PreservationDirectory.com]
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 7:40 PM
Subject: Seeking help with upcoming New York Times article

Greetings Preservationists,

PreservationDirectory.com is pleased to be working with Sarah Maslin Nir, reporter for The New York Times, to spread the word about an upcoming article she is writing for The New York Times.  She is seeking input for a soon-to-be-published article (note - urgent deadline of Thursday, May 14, 2009), and we are happy to assist.

Below is an overview of the article - please contact Sarah Maslin Nir directly at sarah.maslin.nir at gmail.com<mailto:sarah.maslin.nir at gmail.com> to participate or to receive additional information about the article.

"I am looking for homeowners who love their historic or stunning house, even though it is in a neighborhood that you wouldn't usually find this type of home in. Perhaps the neighborhood has changed from what it was like when the house was built, and now it doesn't really fit it. The house might be next to something unusual like an airport or power plant. Or they are in a neighborhood that was once residential and is now a mall or an urban center etc.

Two caveats: 1) the neighborhood should not be "up and coming", rather a place that is going to stay as it is, but the home buyers love the house anyway. 2) The house is NOT for sale.  These can be recently moved-in residents or long time owners, but no one who is selling the house currently.

I'm looking for people who love their home where others might not give the same house a second glance.  Thanks so much I look forward to your e-mails."

Please contact Sarah Maslin Nir, Reporter, The New York Times at sarah.maslin.nir at gmail.com<mailto:sarah.maslin.nir at gmail.com>.  Note - deadline of Thursday, May 14, 2009.

About PreservationDirectory.com:
PreservationDirectory.com<http://www.preservationdirectory.com/> is a primary online resource for historic preservation, building restoration and cultural resource management in the United States & Canada. Our goal is to foster the preservation of historic buildings, historic downtowns and neighborhoods, cultural resources and to promote heritage tourism by facilitating communication among historic preservation professionals and the general public.  Founded in 1999 and headquartered in Portland, Oregon, PreservationDirectory.com<http://www.preservationdirectory.com/> has continually expanded and evolved to cover a comprehensive array of topics and resources of most interest to the historic and cultural resource community.

Tim Cannan, President
7017 N. Alma Ave
Portland, OR 97203
info at preservationdirectory.com<mailto:info at preservationdirectory.com>

- PreservationDirectory.com -

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