[MassHistPres] Areas of Water on the NR

Ttorwig at aol.com Ttorwig at aol.com
Fri Nov 6 10:01:59 EST 2009

Walden Pond is individually listed on the NR, and is a National Historic  
Tim Orwig
Boston University
In a message dated 11/6/2009 9:02:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
acornhp at yahoo.com writes:


Hi folks,
Obviously as a preservationist who is currently located on  Nantucket, this 
has interesting implications.  For those not  following along at home, the 
Wampanoag Tribe asked for a ruling on the  NR eligibility of Nantucket Sound 
- where a wind farm is to be  located.  
Personally, I like the wind farm.  Of course, reading this  blog article, 
we get a good feel for the "Hysterical Preservationist"  label.  I know that 
there are plenty of underwater archaeological  sites in the sound and that 
there is a cultural landscape element to  it.  The proponents of the wind 
farm (including our gov.) say that  this is an end round to slow the process 
down because now it will  require a Section 106 process.  
Obviously I can see the preservation angle on this and hope that  the 
historical comissions on the islands and cape get pulled into the  discussion.  I 
have had concerns about the archaeological impact  for a while - but was 
assurred that nothing would be impacted.  On  the other hand, I see the impact 
a wind farm could have for the  region.
Anyone have thoughts on this very historic preservation  issue?  How do we 
address broad areas of cultural landscape - which  happen to be water.  
Would we/have we put a lake on the NR?   How about a river?  Please dont get 
into your opinions on why the  Tribe did it or why MHC did what they did - I am 
just looking for a more  philosophical viewpoint.
Housing Nantucket

_http://www.marcavitch.com_ (http://www.marcavitch.com/) 

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