[MassHistPres] a question for Local Historic District Commissions

Sudbury Historical Society Email sudburyhist01776 at verizon.net
Thu Sep 3 16:59:25 EDT 2009

Longfellow's Wayside Inn was raising a few crops on about 7 acres (out of 125) until recently. They need to be encouraged to do it again. The public learned a lot by having a meal, then touring the garden, to see close up where a squash or a tomato came from. The Wayside Inn Historic Districts (2)
is otherwise made up of 5 acre house lots.
Lee Swanson - Sudbury Historical District Commission
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rowcroft, Jessica (DCR) 
  To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
  Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 9:48 AM
  Subject: [MassHistPres] a question for Local Historic District Commissions

  I am wondering if any of the Local Historic Districts out there happen to include any agricultural properties that are currently being actively farmed. (I've id'd many that were once farms, but are no longer active.)  

  Any assistance that can be provided is very much appreciated!

  Jessica A. Rowcroft
  Preservation Planner
  Department of Conservation & Recreation
  251 Causeway St, Suite 600
  Boston, MA 02114
  ph:  617.626.1380


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