[MassHistPres] Window research

Weiss, Lorraine (PEB) Lorraine.Weiss at oprhp.state.ny.us
Mon Sep 21 11:23:55 EDT 2009

You  may have already seen this resource--I'm sorry but I can't remember if this has already been publicized on this listserve.  Below is a message from the Trust's Forum listserve that mentions a good collection of resources (the original writer's name is included).


For those looking for cogent articles and research on the efficiency of rehabilitated historic windows, we have collected several research articles and studies of rehabbed window performance on the California Sustainability web page at the link below.  We hope to add the National Trust's Berkeley window study when it is completed.   http://www.ohp.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=25935

Mark C. Huck, AIA, LEED AP

Restoration Architect, Office of Historic Preservation

1416 9th Street, Room 1442, Sacramento CA 95814

(916) 653-9107 Office; (916) 653-9824 Fax




Lorraine E. Weiss

Historic Preservation Planner


Division for Historic Preservation  ◙  www.nysparks.state.ny.us

NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation

lorraine.weiss at oprhp.state.ny.us - 518-237-8643, x 3122

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