[MassHistPres] Town of Braintree - Request for quotes

Stickney, Christine cstickney at braintreema.gov
Tue Sep 22 14:26:52 EDT 2009

To whom it may concern,





            The Braintree Historical Commission (BHC) is seeking
quotations for service involving the development of a Preservation
Management Plan for the Elm Street Cemetery located in Braintree, MA.
The Cemetery was established around 1716 and a Preservation Management
Plan is needed to assist in the BHC implementation of preservation and
restoration priorities.  


            Essential components of the proposed Preservation Management
Plan will include, but not be limited to:


*        Conducting background research in order to review the status
and condition of the existing documentary materials in order to review
the status and condition of existing documentary materials, identify
gaps in the data, and acquire such data as necessary in order to prepare
a summary history of the cemetery in order to design improvements that
are appropriate to the historic character of the grounds as well as to
identify the potential for archeological resources; 


*        Conducting a stone assessment survey with treatment proposal
and cost with a list of recommended priorities;


*        Conducting a fence assessment survey with treatment proposal
and cost with a list of recommended priorities;


*        Assessing the vegetation and landscape issues in the cemetery,
this would include an analysis of current maintenance activities; 


*        Using and existing map of the cemetery to develop a
comprehensive map that includes the location of grave markers,
monuments, and family plots by number and cross-referenced
alphabetically by name;


*        A ground penetrating survey to determine any physical features
that are obscured and how to determine what remains and how they can
best be preserved. 


The intent of the proposed Elm Street Cemetery Preservation Management
Plan is to assemble and analyze documentary and physical data that can
result in recommendations for long term repair, restoration and
preservation of the cemetery.


Quotes can be sent to the Planning and Community Development Director,
Christine Stickney at CStickney at braintreema.gov .  Any quotes of
interested parties need to be received prior to October 2, 2009 prior to
1pm.  Any questions or concerns please contact the Planning and
Community Development Office at 781-794-8230.







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