[MassHistPres] Historic Windows

John Worden jworden at swwalaw.com
Tue Sep 22 16:08:54 EDT 2009

Let me share my own experience with period windows, which I often cite to 
folks who come to historic district commission hearings with proposals to 
replace their "failed" windows with the "latest models" many of which have 
been commented upon here recently.

Our 1903 house has 46 double-hung windows protected (since the late 70s) 
with aluminum combinations.  There are also another approx. 40 windows that 
are fixed and/or permanently behind wooden storms.  My supposition is that 
from the time of construction until sometime in the 40s wooden storms were 
put up in the fall & taken down in the spring, but when we bought the house 
in 1976, there were hardly any storms, hence the 46 aluminum units which we 
had installed.

All of these original equipment windows are sound, operate well, keep the 
wind out, and do not rattle.  Several are quite wide (about 40").  Of 
course, I've had to replace all the cords.  I've never had to have any of 
them repaired, except for broken glass & new putty, but if that became 
necessary, I guess I couldn't complain after 106 years of service.

John Worden
Arlington HDC


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