[MassHistPres] More window material

Weiss, Lorraine (PEB) Lorraine.Weiss at oprhp.state.ny.us
Thu Sep 24 14:57:19 EDT 2009

Hello all-
     I received several replies to my post asking for additional materials.  Let me explain that I am not involved with the "Historically Green" workshop which is being sponsored by the local nfp preservation organization.  I simply get to show up and absorb information.  However, I have been involved with this issue for a while, having gotten historic wood windows on the 2006 "Seven to Save" Endangered Properties Program list when I was on the staff of the Preservation League of NYS.  I think MA followed suit with a similar list or article.  
     The Sedovic article can be found at www.apti.org/publications/past-bulletin-head.cfm; Lee Wright also found a link at www.state.il.us/hpa/PS/images/replacement_windows.pdf.   I have attached a packet on windows here, including an article we did for the CLGs in NYS.  Those of you on digest mode will not get the attachment, but I'll do my best to respond to individual requests.  (I'll likely wait until I can send the packet out to a group of you at the same time.)

Lorraine E. Weiss
Historic Preservation Planner
Division for Historic Preservation  ◙  www.nysparks.state.ny.us
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
lorraine.weiss at oprhp.state.ny.us - 518-237-8643, x 3122

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