[MassHistPres] Public Education, Promotion and Publicity for Historical Commissions

Jonathan Feist jfeist at charter.net
Fri Feb 5 14:03:21 EST 2010

I'm going to say yes, but indirectly.

I try to alert the local press (and sometimes, regional press, like  
the Boston Globe) about our activities and related issues that might  
be of interest. Then, they run stories about us that serve the  
function of public outreach but seem more credible than direct appeals  
from us. Plus, it's free.

So, when we do things like champion CP proposals, we help the media  
see the cool story behind whatever it is, and try to entice them to  
print something about it. We've found them very amenable, as they're  
looking for content.

I also sometimes write letters to the editor and opinion pieces  
regarding local issues that relate to our work, in order to generally  
raise awareness. I send them photographs now and then as well.  
Anything to make it easy for them to print stuff from our perspective.

Once, we glommed onto a Historical Society house tour and opened a  
town-owned historic building to the public (being restored with CP  
funds), serving cider and handing out literature. We had a terrific  
turnout, and people remembered it long after the fact.


On Feb 4, 2010, at 2:47 PM, Herb Skelly wrote:

> Have you had experience with techniques for publicizing the work of  
> Historical Commissions? The Eastham Historical Commission would like  
> some clues from those who have developed educational programs for  
> the general public: topics; media; venue. Also, how do you fund  
> these? Do you have a budget from your city or town? Do you have  
> benefactors? Do you sponsor house tours, walking tours?
> Thanks.
> Herb Skelly, co-chair, Eastham Historical Commission
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Jonathan Feist, Chair
Harvard Historical Commission
jfeist at charter.net • 978-772-4864
Blog: Delights and Processes

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