[MassHistPres] New Salem Old Academy Building

Jean Derderian jeand at hughes.net
Fri Jul 16 22:36:15 EDT 2010

*New Salem’s Old Academy Building*
*Preservation Consultant*
*Request for Price Proposal*

The Old Academy Building Committee, hereinafter referred to as the OAB 
Building Committee, seeks the services of a Preservation Consultant who 
works for and at the direction of the OAB Building Committee, hereafter 
referred to as the Committee. The decision shall be based on the lowest 
responsible hourly fee that is quoted in this proposal.

The responsibilities of the OAB Preservation Consultant are:

    * To advise the Committee on the preservation and conservation
      guidelines of the Department of the Interior, the Secretary of the
      Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic
      Buildings, and the Massachusetts Historical Commission as they
      relate to the terms and conditions of the SAT grant and the state
      grant and the proposed construction and renovation project.

    * To review plans and specifications provided to the Committee by
      the Architect and to provide the Committee with timely written
      comments on those plans and specifications prior to their final
      acceptance by the Committee.

    * To observe, from time to time as requested by the Committee,
      various aspects of the construction project and to provide the
      Committee with written reports on those observations

The OAB Preservation Consultant shall have demonstrated experience with 
historic preservation activities. That experience shall include work 
with historic wooden structures of the mid-19^th century in New England. 
That experience should also include interior and exterior repairs and 

The Committee at their own discretion may interview the firms or 

The consultant will be required to enter into a joint contract with the 
Town of New Salem and the New Salem Historical Commission. They must 
first be approved by the National Park Service.

Funding for this project is from a grant from the National Park Service, 
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the New Salem Historical Commission.

This *_proposal along with the prior page_* and with any addenda that 
are issued, a list of references, and the project list which are cited 
below must be signed and returned to the Town of New Salem by 11:00 AM 
on Friday, July 30, 2010. Signed and faxed copies of the proposal are 

Address responses or requests for electronic copies of this request to:
Town of New Salem
Attn: *_OAB_**_ Building_**_ Committee Preservation Consultant_*
19 South Main Street
New Salem, MA 01355
Phone (978) 544-6437
Fax (978) 544-6428
towncoord at crocker.com

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