[MassHistPres] Protecting historic buildings before selling them

Electa Tritsch e.tritsch at comcast.net
Mon May 3 16:16:25 EDT 2010

The Medway Historical Commission did this for two buildings in the 
1990s - a fire station and its next-door neighbor on Rte 109, both 
owned by the town. As I recall the town did not put up a fuss - might 
want to contact the Commission directly.
Electa Kane Tritsch
Oakfield Research

At 03:40 PM 5/3/2010, Sarah Korjeff wrote:
>I'm looking for examples of municipally-owned historic structures 
>that have been offered for sale to the public, where the town has 
>first required a Preservation Restriction or some similar instrument 
>to protect the building.  I'd appreciate any examples you can offer, 
>and any background on how the towns were encouraged to do this.
>Thank you,
>Sarah Korjeff
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