[MassHistPres] CPA projects in 40C districts

Diane Gilbert d.m.gilbert at comcast.net
Thu Apr 7 18:20:57 EDT 2011

At a recent CPC meeting In Dartmouth, the matter of CPA-required signage
came up for a project that involves a contributing building in a 40C
district.  The district commission was not keen on posting a 4 ft X 4 ft
sign on the property.  This is the first time some resistance to signage
that I¹m aware of. 

The Dartmouth CPC voted to reduce the size to 2 ft X 2 ft with the provision
that it is posted near the road and can be seen and read from the road.  The
CPA signs in Dartmouth fit nicely into the landscape, are visible from the
road, and are appropriate to the historic character of the town.  The Act
requires signs as does the MHC to publicize their grants.  Nothing out of
the ordinary.  It¹s only fair and proper that taxpayers and residents know
where there funds are going.  Of course, I¹m biased because it¹s only good
news for towns as tangible evidence of their CPA dollars at work.

Are there any related situations in other communities?  Resistance to
signage?  After all, these are temporary and intended to stay up for the
life of the project.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Best regards,
Diane Gilbert
President, Dartmouth Heritage Preservation Trust, Inc.

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