[MassHistPres] CPA projects in 40C districts
Chris Skelly
skelly-mhc at comcast.net
Fri Apr 8 09:15:17 EDT 2011
I believe this is the current language in the Dartmouth local historic
district bylaw for exemptions. Temporary signs are listed as an exemption.
Is the HDC concerned about how long the sign will be up? Chris.
(a) The authority of the commission shall not extend to the review of any
of the following categories of buildings or structures or exterior
architectural features in the historic district and the buildings or
structures or exterior architectural features so excluded may be constructed
or altered within the historic district without review by the commission:
(1) Temporary structures or signs, subject, however, to such conditions as
to duration of use, location, lighting, removal and similar matters as the
commission may reasonably specify.
(2) Terraces, walks, driveways, and sidewalks, provided that any such
structure is substantially at grade level.
(3) Storm doors and storm windows, screens, lighting fixtures, and. antenna
(except satellite dishes).
(4) Signs of not more than two square feet in area in connection with the
use of a residence for a customary home occupation or for professional
purposes, provided that only one such sign is displayed in connection with
each residence.
(5) The reconstruction, substantially similar in exterior design and
materials, of a building, structure or exterior architectural feature
damaged or destroyed by fire, storm or other disaster, provided such
reconstruction is begun within one year thereafter and is carried forward
with due diligence.
(b) The commission may determine from time to time after public hearing that
certain categories of exterior architectural features, structures or signs,
may be constructed or altered without review by the commission without
causing substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of this by-law
and of the Historic District Acts, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40C,
as amended.
(c) The commission may further determine from time to time after public
hearing that the authority of the commission shall be limited to only those
exterior architectural features within the historic district subject to view
from one or more specifically designated public streets, public ways, public
parks or public bodies of water, as opposed to all exterior architectural
features within the historic district subject to view from a public street,
public way, public park or public body of water, without substantial
derogation from the intent and purposes of this bylaw and of the Historic
District Act, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40C as amended.
(d) Upon request, the commission shall issue a certificate of non
applicability with respect to construction or alteration in any category
then not subject to review by the commission in accordance with the
provisions of paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) of this Section.
Christopher C. Skelly
Director of Local Government Programs
Massachusetts Historical Commission
From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu
[mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Diane Gilbert
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 6:21 PM
To: Untitled
Subject: [MassHistPres] CPA projects in 40C districts
At a recent CPC meeting In Dartmouth, the matter of CPA-required signage
came up for a project that involves a contributing building in a 40C
district. The district commission was not keen on posting a 4 ft X 4 ft
sign on the property. This is the first time some resistance to signage
that I'm aware of.
The Dartmouth CPC voted to reduce the size to 2 ft X 2 ft with the provision
that it is posted near the road and can be seen and read from the road. The
CPA signs in Dartmouth fit nicely into the landscape, are visible from the
road, and are appropriate to the historic character of the town. The Act
requires signs as does the MHC to publicize their grants. Nothing out of
the ordinary. It's only fair and proper that taxpayers and residents know
where there funds are going. Of course, I'm biased because it's only good
news for towns as tangible evidence of their CPA dollars at work.
Are there any related situations in other communities? Resistance to
signage? After all, these are temporary and intended to stay up for the
life of the project.
Thanks in advance for your comments.
Best regards,
Diane Gilbert
President, Dartmouth Heritage Preservation Trust, Inc.
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