[MassHistPres] Preservation workshop

Marla R. Miller mmiller at history.umass.edu
Mon Apr 25 15:21:53 EDT 2011

I thought some folks on this list might be interested in this upcoming  
workshop opportunity: the focus will be somewhat on women's history,  
but the basic info on what's involved in crafting nominations to the  
National Register and National Historic Landmarks program will be  

The event is aimed at people attending this women's history  
conference, and I encourage people to check out the larger conference  
offerings at the link below, but there may be space available for  
people from the community interested in attending only this  
preservation-oriented workshop; please contact me at  
mmiller at history.umass.edu for more information on this option.


Marla Miller

Thursday, June 9, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM, Alumni House, Amherst College
Faculty/Professional $55; Graduate students $25 (includes lunch)

You may or may not be surprised to learn that women's history is still
comparatively unrepresented in many aspects of our nation's
formally-recognized history. This workshop, held in partnership with
the Massachusetts Historical Commission and led by Michele Barker of
Preservation Massachusetts, aims to help historians understand the
workings of both the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and
the National Historic Landmarks (NHL) program, both programs within
the National Park Service. The workshop will cover the state of
women's history in Register documentation today and the process by
which nominations are completed and evaluated; it concludes with a
visit to the Emily Dickinson Homestead (a NHL since the 1960s) and the
Evergreens (NRHP, but not yet part of the NHL program, though the site
hopes to draft a new nomination that encompasses both homes) as a case
study, as one of the region's leading preservationists guides
participants through a tour of the site that highlights the issues
raised by the effort to achieve NHL status.

This event is open to people registered to attend the Berkshire
Conference on the History of Women, the largest gathering in the
nation of scholars interested in women and gender, drawing more than
one thousand historians to UMass Amherst June 9-12.
For more information on the conference and to register for these
events, go to: http://blogs.umass.edu/berks/

Marla R. Miller
Professor & Director, Public History Program
Graduate Program Director
History Department
University of Massachusetts Amherst
161 President's Way
Amherst, MA 01003
Betsy Ross and the Making of America (betsyrossbook.com)

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