[MassHistPres] Historic Cemetery Preservation in MA

Zunino, Kim KZunino at lowellma.gov
Wed Dec 21 12:00:49 EST 2011

Holiday Greetings Everyone,

I am researching possible plans of action to support the preservation of historic landscapes and burial grounds in Massachusetts. DCR has just issued Terra Firma 10: Mourning Glory: Preserving Historic Cemeteries under the Historic Landscape Preservation Initiative. This publication highlights issues these landscapes face: http://www.mass.gov/dcr/stewardship/histland/publications.htm

In my research, I did come across Delaware's Senate Bill #256 which was passed in 2008. The administration falls under the Division of Health and Social Services, Dept. of Vital Statistics. Here is what was passed into law: http://delcode.delaware.gov/title29/c079a/index.shtml.

I discussed this with those who were responsible for its support and now its administration, and although not "perfect" it is still evolving. It came about as a way to deal with the state's many inactive historic cemeteries which were becoming forgotten and later lost to development, as well as other cemeteries who were struggling to stay afloat. The biggest issues they are facing is getting the cemeteries acknowledged and registered (especially those on developable land) and then getting the money to the distressed cemeteries that need help if the sites are run by a mostly volunteer staff.

I am wondering how such a bill would possibly play out here in Massachusetts. No one can deny that this is a growing problem, and finding funding to assist these distressed community landscapes is always an issue especially if they are competing against other preservation efforts and/or having to provide matching funds.

What are some thoughts about a similar legislation in MA? Was anything like this ever attempted before in this state?  Please feel free to pass on this query to others.

Kim Zunino | Assistant Administrator
Lowell Historic Board
City of Lowell
375 Merrimack Street | Lowell, MA 01852
t: 978.674.1444 | f: 978.446.7103 |

LOWELL Alive. Unique. Inspiring.

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