[MassHistPres] Preservation Massachusetts Spring 2011 Preservation Awards: Call for Nominations

Courtney Whelan cwhelan at preservationmass.org
Wed Feb 9 10:44:36 EST 2011

*Preservation Massachusetts’ 26th Annual Awards Dinner on May 4, 2011 will
recognize and honor a number of Massachusetts colleges, universities and
preparatory high schools that have utilized and embraced preservation into
their educational identity with our highest award: the Paul Tsongas Award. T
*his award recognizes those who have played an extraordinary role in
promoting the preservation of our Commonwealth’s past for the benefit of the
future. Past honorees have included Governor Deval Patrick and the Boston
Red Sox ownership. The award dinner is a premier event that draws statewide
from the preservation, development, construction and advocacy communities.

*Preservation Massachusetts is currently seeking nominations for projects at
these institutions that have undertaken a preservation projects or planning
within the last several years.  If you have a project that you would like to
submit for statewide recognition, we invite you to fill out the enclosed
form and return it to our offices preferably by February 15, 2011. *

We look forward to learning about your preservation accomplishments and
please contact our office should you have any questions.

*Please visit our website for more information and link to our Nomination



*Categories for recognition:

*Master Plan-

* Adaptive Re-Use
Compatible New Construction
Green/Sustainable/LEED certified
Community Commitment and Revitalization*


Courtney M. Whelan
Program Manager

Preservation Massachusetts

Courtney M. Whelan
Program Manager
Preservation Massachusetts
Old City Hall
45 School Street
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 723-3383

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