[MassHistPres] Society for Industrial Archeology - New England chapters - conference in Worcester March 5

SARA WERMIEL swermiel at verizon.net
Thu Feb 17 10:48:43 EST 2011

This conference may be of interest to the list members. All are welcome. The
registration fee includes lunch. Come learn about industrial archeology!

--Sara Wermiel, SNEC Treasurer



The Southern New England and Northern New England Chapters of the Society
for Industrial Archeology

present the

24th Annual Symposium on the Archeology of Industry in New England

Saturday, March 5, 2011

at Clark University, Jefferson Center, Room 102, Worcester, MA

Registration starts at 9:30 AM

The Symposium will be in session from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Speakers and Subjects

Gil Cooke &  Ilir Progri - "FM Radio in New England - The Yankee Network"

Sara Wermiel - "The Tremont Nail Company and Iron Manufacturing in Eastern
Massachusetts in the Nineteenth Century"

William Gerber - "John Langdon Sullivan - The Development and Use of His
Steam Towboats"

Dennis Picard - "The History of Commercial Ice Harvesting"

Eamon McCarthy-Earls - "The Wachusett Reservoir and Dam - a 19th Century
Mega Project"

Alan Earls - "A History of the Watertown Arsenal"

Erin Timms & Matt Kierstead - "Elizabeth Mine's Copperas Works"

Show & Tell - As time allows

Lunch: A variety cold cuts, cheeses, bread, rolls, baked goods and soft
drinks will be available for make-it-yourself sandwiches and  desserts. This
lunch is included in the cost of the program. 

Cost: $10 each if booked by February 28, 2011; $15 if a ticket is purchased
at the event. Parking is free at the Clark University Downing Street Lot
across from Jefferson Center. Clark University is located at 950 Main
Street, Worcester. Jefferson Center is at the southwest corner of Downing
and Main streets.

Mail registration to:  Sara Wermiel, Treasurer SNEC, 70A South St., Jamaica
Plain, MA 02130


Registration for 24th Annual SNEC-NNEC Symposium on Industrial Archaeology


Address ___________________________________________________________________

Phone __________________________ E-mail ____________________________________

Enclosed is a check for $___________






Sara E. Wermiel, PhD

History of technology/historic preservation consulting

70A South Street

Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 USA

617 524-9483


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