[MassHistPres] 2010 Acts c.240 §173 - 'Time' extension for Certificates

Sullivan, Charles M. csullivan at cambridgema.gov
Fri Feb 25 15:17:46 EST 2011


Here's the Cambridge Historical Commission's policy on limiting the validity of permits, which we adopted after a public hearing. Our intent was to track the six-month limit on the validity of building permits in MGL Ch. 40A, while giving our chair the ability to issue a limited number of extensions. The summary is on our website

If masshistpres doesn't transmit the attachment, recipients can let me know and I'll send it out directly.

Charles Sullivan

Charles M. Sullivan, Executive Director
Cambridge Historical Commission
831 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Mass.  02139
617 349-4684 voice, 349-3116 fax

From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Elaine Banta
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 10:45 AM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] 2010 Acts c.240 §173 - 'Time' extension for Certificates

As [new] support staff to the Historic Commission I am looking to hear from anyone that can direct me regarding 'time limitations' on approved certificates in MGL c.40 C (specifically for a feature that does not require a building permit - a fence) and if anyone has run into applying the Act [above] on such certificates issued during the tolling period.  My knowledge of time limitations is limited to MGL c.40 A as staff to the Planning Board and the Board of Appeals and I haven't been able to locate a reference to timing in c.40 C. To the extent that an approval of a certificate bears no time limitation, our by-laws are silent on expiry issues as well.  So then the question becomes can the Act be applied?

I appreciate guidance from anyone who has experience with this issue.

Elaine Banta
Harwich Planning
P: 508.430.7511
ebanta at town.harwich.ma.us

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