[MassHistPres] LHD administration

Jane Guy JGuy at Salem.com
Thu Jun 23 15:49:26 EDT 2011

Salem has 4 local historic districts (about 600 properties), which is
administered by one Commission (which serves as both HC and HDC).  We
have 7 members and 2 alternates.  I think I would resign if I had to
deal with 4 different boards with potentially 4 different sets of
guidelines.  It would be great if, of the 9, we had at least one person
from each of the 4 districts on the Commission, but getting volunteers
can be tough, particularly volunteers that would make good

We have studied the possibility of establishing one or more Neighborhood
Architectural Conservation Areas, which would have separate Commissions
(a combination of some persons that serve on all the NAC Commissions
along with persons residing in those areas who serve for just their own
NAC area).  

Jane A. Guy
Assistant Community Development Director
City of Salem
Department of Planning & Community Development
120 Washington St., 3rd Floor
Salem, MA  01970
(F) 978-740-0404
jguy at salem.com
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 09:21:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: DiFranzaDesigns at aol.com
Subject: [MassHistPres] LHD administration

Good morning:
North Reading is in the process of establishing a second historic
district.  How do towns with more than one LHD administer these  areas?
Are there separate commissions for each district or is their one
commission that administers both areas?
Happy DiFranza, chairman
North Reading Historic District Study  Committee

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