[MassHistPres] Historical / District Commission member group

Lee Wright lee at leewright.net
Thu May 12 15:32:34 EDT 2011

I, too, think it would be helpful.  

Perhaps a good place to start would be to come up with some objectives.

Here's my short list.  I hope others add or modify.

- Improved information exchange, including . . .
= Better online information sharing
= Quarterly or semiannual workshops;  possibly an annual or biannual conference

- Build/strengthen support for preservation by the citizens of our state. 


As I'm sure of you have seen in many different fields, sometimes an association ends up being the goal rather than the means to the goal of the members. Eventually it seems that primary consideration is given to the growth of the organization--dues and more dues, professional staff, growing the membership--as opposed to helping the members achieve their goals.  

So rather than trying to establish and build yet another traditional association, what if we developed, at least as a first step, something that would achieve our goals and would do so with as little overhead as possible.  For example, we can make great use of online tools rather than thinking about preparing, printing, and mailing paper documents.

And if our ultimate goal is preservation, why don't we open this up to anyone and any organization that shares the same goal?  If it's believed that there are some things that are unique to historical commissions, those could easily be discussed in a working group, for example.

Over the last year, in addition to participating on our local historical commission, I serve on the board of our historical society, and have been a member of the group working on the statewide IMLS grant on document preservation.  In every case we've lamented a lack of broader support and interest.  We're more likely to be successful in our ultimate goal if we take a "big tent" approach.

Next steps

Regardless of whether your views are the same as those I've expressed, a practical next step would be for those interested in pursuing this to develop something that would then be brought back to this list and to others to get their feedback on a specific proposal.

Best regards--

Lee Wright  |  Marlborough


On May 12, 2011, at 3:03 PM, Chris Skelly wrote:

> I think this could be a great idea.  There are some other states with local commission associations.  So, taking a look at how they work would be important.  I’ll be interested to hear what others have to say about what they think an association could accomplish and what is most needed. 
> In regularly talking to commissions around the state, I often recognize that they need a collective stronger voice.  With several thousand members making up commissions around the state, they really could be a strong voice together. 
> Certainly, a statewide conference is needed.  I just checked the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions website and noted that nearly 800 people attended their annual conference in 2011!  Wow.  I think a statewide preservation conference that would appeal to local commission members and homeowners is the way to go.  Could be a great learning environment for everyone. 
> Chris.
> Christopher C. Skelly
> Director of Local Government Programs
> Massachusetts Historical Commission
> From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Blever3043
> Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 11:28 AM
> To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
> Subject: [MassHistPres] Historical / District Commission member group
> Hi All, 
> I’m wondering if there is interest in forming an association of local historic preservation commissions.  Lots of other boards, committees and commissions such as conservation commissions, zoning boards of appeal, planning boards, health boards, school committees and so on have organized themselves into statewide associations.   As statewide non-profit organizations, they have a strong voice, educate their members on various topics, hold annual conferences and advocate for their cause.  This listserve is a great forum for discussion, but local commissions need a stronger collective voice.  Its been a while since the last state-wide conference and I think it would be good to have a venue that those of us in preservation can get together and learn from each other.  Even a one day conference like VAF or New England Archaeology has would be good.  With all of the Local Historical Commissions and Historic District Commissions around the state, a Massachusetts Association of Historic Preservation Commissions could help our cause and organize us.  What do you think?  Is this a good idea?  If so, what should be some next steps.
> Brian Lever 
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Lee Wright  |  lee at leewright.net  |  469-233-7712

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