[MassHistPres] Fwd: Tide Mill Conference in November
ElsaFitzgerald at aol.com
ElsaFitzgerald at aol.com
Mon Oct 17 08:12:30 EDT 2011
From: Ermmwwt at aol.com
To: Ellen.Berkland at state.ma.us, bostonhistorian at gmail.com, osgood at gis.net,
jgoff at salempreservation.org, John.Krall at cityofboston.gov,
Star6936 at aol.com, commoncoll at aol.com, bflagg at crine.org, cdalton at maritime.edu,
rbrooker3 at gmail.com, budw at myfairpoint.net, slangley at mdp.state.md.us,
Patrick_Malone at brown.edu, Charles_Parrott at nps.gov, RABDuffy at aol.com, nseashol at bu.edu,
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kthidemann at aol.com, joe_chetwynd at hotmail.com, bai.archaeology at gmail.com,
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jholtzkay at aol.com, cives at dbm.state.md.us, tglick at bu.edu,
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rbane at banecare.com, elsafitzgerald at aol.com, secretary at glias.org.uk, Eamedit at aol.com,
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masshistpres at cs.umb.edu, asm5t at virginia.edu, shpardee at aol.com, cmartin at suffolk.edu,
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stefan.claesson at unh.edu, superaude at yahoo.com
Sent: 10/17/2011 7:42:55 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Tide Mill Conference in November
Hello Tide Millers,
see attachment for map
The Maine Humanities Council has awarded the Kennebunkport Conservation
Trust a $1000 grant for a community outreach project to help Maine histor
ical societies and the general public learn about and interpret early tide
mills in their area. Working in collaboration with the Tide Mill Institute,
the Trust will hold a conference November 18 and 19th at its headquarters
in Kennebunkport, where tide mill historians from Europe and from Maine
will present the heritage and technology of this example of the use of tidal
power. One presentation will lay out legal issues that affected early tide
mills and confront those seeking to make use of tidal energy today. An
open forum will allow Maine’s coastal historical societies to share
information and to study the tide mills that existed in their back yards.
Participants will also have the opportunity to hear about and see first-hand the
current archaeological work being done by the Trust at its 1740’s James
Perkins tide mill site in Kennebunkport.
An informal reception will be held at the Trust’s headquarters in
Kennebunkport from 6 to 8 PM Friday evening November 18, where displays and video
presentation about tide mills can be viewed. Saturday's activities start
with registration at 8:30AM; presentations begin at nine o'clock. There is
a $20 conference fee. For more information contact Bud Warren at
_budw at myfairpoint.net_ (mailto:budw at myfairpoint.net) (373-1209) or Lisa Lassey at
_lisa at kctofficd.com_ (mailto:lisa at kctofficd.com) .
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