[MassHistPres] Vernacular Architecture Forum: New England Chapter ~ Annual Meeting ~ Saturday 31 March 2012
Shantia Anderheggen
Shantia_Anderheggen at nthp.org
Sat Mar 10 15:54:48 EST 2012
VAF-New England Annual Meeting
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, MA
9:15-9:30 WELCOME: Betsy Cromley, VAF-NE President
9:30-10:15 Chain of Tools: Supply Chains, Lumber, and Vernacular Communities in Northern California, 1850-1930, Jim Buckley
10:15-11:00 Interpreting the Shakers: Opening the Villages to the Public, 1955-1965, Will Moore
11:00-11:30 A New North Shore House Type, Sean Maher
11:30-12:00 'Tenement Canyons': Methods for Managing the Data on a Common Building Type, Zachary Violette
12:00-12:40 ANNUAL MEETING: Secretary's Report; Treasurer's Report; Field Trip Report; Board Nominations and Vote
12:00-1:40 LUNCH
1:45-2:00 VAF 2011 - Jamaica Report, Kate Matison
2:00-on Forum: Defining New England House Types, Part 2, Claire Dempsey
This year's Forum will again consider the use of house types to describe common dwellings in the New England landscape, with more time for conversation and discussion at the end of the day. We will begin with a discussion of the need for language that addresses housing in particular, in a specific and meaningful way, to facilitate considerations of housing in the aggregate. We will then briefly review last year's proposed types, introduce another selection of common types, and demonstrate how researchers can learn about the inside of a dwelling by looking carefully at the outside, with type templates in mind.
News of VAF-NE: VAF-NE presented four field trips during the 2011-2012 season. On June 18, a tour of Deerfield began the season, with visits to three properties: the Barnard tavern, the Dr. Thomas Williams house and the Hawkes house. In July, we reviewed new evidence at Hingham's Old Ship Meetinghouse and the Old Ordinary. Strawbery Banke Museum was our host on September 10th, with visits to the Leonard Cotton Tenant and Laighton houses, followed by lunch at the Discover Portsmouth Center, the latest use for the Portsmouth Academy and the Morton-Benedict house. Our last event, on October 29th, included visits to the Robbins and Barrett houses in Concord, MA, followed by the Asa Parlin house, the Sorli family farm, in Carlisle, MA.
VAF 2012 Annual Conference: The 32nd VAF national meeting is upcoming in Madison, Wisconsin (June 6 -10, 2012). Go to: http://www.vernaculararchitectureforum.org/conferences/2012/index.html for more information.
Board of Directors (2011-2012): Elizabeth Cromley, President; Pieter Roos, Vice-President; Edward Hood, Treasurer; Shantia Anderheggen, Secretary; Directors: Robert Adam, Dayl Cohen, Claire Dempsey, Kate Matison, Brian Powell and Rita Walsh.
Directions to Old Sturbridge Village: Old Sturbridge Village is located in the town of Sturbridge, MA, near the intersection of Route 90 (the Massachusetts Turnpike) and Route 84. Make your way to Route 90/Mass Pike and take Sturbridge exit 9, which will be marked for Old Sturbridge Village with the brown signs used to indicate historic sites and parks. After paying your toll, take the first right onto Route 20 west and follow the signs. You will need to take the jug-handle on the right to make the left turn into the Village. Ample parking is available in the Village lot. From the parking lot, follow the path past the Tavern and Bookstore (on the left) and the Visitors Center (on the right) to the Fuller Conference Center (just past the Visitors Center, on the right).
Lunch: VAF-NE offers an informal lunch of sandwiches, drinks, etc, at the Conference Center, available for $15/person. Other options are also available at the Bullard Tavern in the historic area of the Village.
(1) Please register in advance! NOTE: Lunch orders must be received by Friday, March 23, 2012.
(2) Please make checks payable to VAF-NE.
(3) Registration forms should be mailed to:
VAF-New England
c/o Shantia Anderheggen
390 Biscuit City Road
Kingston, RI 02881-1617
** Please note that ALL VAF-NE mailings are now via E-MAIL only**
VAF member $10
Non-member $20
Student $8 (Please enclose photocopy of your ID)
Add'l Contribution $ *VAF-New England operates primarily through donated funds and services. Your additional contribution will help us to continue our program of field trips and annual conference.
Shantia Anderheggen | Easement Administrator | Law Department
National Trust for Historic Preservation | 1785 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20036
Phone: 202.588.6159 | Fax: 202.588.6272 | Email: shantia_anderheggen at nthp.org<mailto:shantia_anderheggen at nthp.org>
The National Trust for Historic Preservation helps people protect, enhance, and enjoy the places that matter to them. Become our newest member today! Learn more at www.PreservationNation.org<https://webmail.nationaltrust.org/owa/redir.aspx?C=ec94a40902014021bcff1a2836c6cd60&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.preservationnation.org%2f>
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