[MassHistPres] MassHistPres Digest, Vol 75, Issue 27

Tristram Metcalfe 3 twm3 at rcn.com
Fri May 25 13:01:15 EDT 2012

Its a stunning analogy Marcia did with historic resources vs  
wetlands, farmlands and recreation lands when you realize that  
historic fabric once gone,, it is forever,,  but wetlands, farm land  
and recreation land can be restored, replaced recreated or relocated.
This oversimplified statement must not forget the natural resources  
of beautiful rock formations etc which are similar to irreplaceable  
historic structures and they with many other natural systems do exist  
as part of many wetland areas to be preserved forever.

A glaring contrast on the small end of this spectrum hit us in saving  
an historic building, reusing it as a museum. It will forever suffer  
from a narrow minded Conservation decision because the ConsCom wanted  
to recreate a wet land in the centuries old back yard which then  
pushed the developer's new barn right up against the historic  
building ruining the human space while pilling on fire protection  
costs to both buildings being under 5 feet too close to the  
struggling museum. Ironically the "wetland" is now a horrendous ugly  
unusable jungle mess in the back yard since it cant be touched.

Sorry for my rant, I hope all have a memorable weekend appreciating  
Tris Metcalfe

Tristram W. Metcalfe III,   AIA  NCARB  NY MA CT
142  Main Street,  Northampton, Mass. 01060
Email <twm3 at metcalfe-architecture.com>
Ph 413.586.5775  Cell 413.695.8200
Metcalfe Associates Architecture



> From: "Judith Gillan" <jgillan at smallfarm.org>
> Date: May 24, 2012 5:08:10 PM EDT
> To: "'heartwood restoration'" <jade at heartwoodrestoration.com>,  
> "'Courtney Whelan'" <cwhelan at preservationmass.org>,  
> <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
> Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] GOV 119 and OTH 18
> Hello all,
> As founding director of a non-profit that manages a state-owned NHR/ 
> MHC farm property, I have followed this process with interest --  
> and with Courtney's news, have done a "little dancing jig" of my  
> own.  But at the same time, I have printed our and posted Martha  
> Starkey's earlier and challenging question on my office bulletin  
> board.  She asked, "Is it logical that the Commonwealth would  
> abandon its tools for cultural resource protection and then not go  
> down that road to environmental resource protection for wetlands,  
> farmland, recreation land etc. etc.?  This state has been a  
> national leader in the retention of cultural history and historic  
> resources for centuries."    I suspect not, and that we need to be  
> well prepared to resist more of the same.
> Judy Gillan
> Judith F. Gillan
> Founding Director, New England Small Farm Institute
> Belchertown, MA  01007
> 413-323-4531

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