[MassHistPres] mason for East Longmeadow brownstone interior staircase

Dennis De Witt djd184 at verizon.net
Fri May 17 16:21:48 EDT 2013

I am looking for a mason who can restore with some sort of appropriate colored mortar or grout one tread of an interior staircase made of East Longmeadow brownstone in which there has been serious delamination and loss of material on the tread, nose and riser.

Best regards,

Dennis J De Witt, Vice-Chairman
Metropolitan Waterworks Museum, Inc.
2450 Beacon St.
Boston, Massachusetts 02467 

Overlooking the Chestnut Hill Reservoir

dennis.dewitt at waterworksmuseum.org
phone 617-566-3196
cell 617-620-9776

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