[MassHistPres] Mill Pond

Nancy Dole ndole at verizon.net
Tue Apr 1 17:13:30 EDT 2014

Hi Everyone, perhaps someone out there can help me with this. Next week, the town will decide whether or not to approve money that ultimately would be used for dredging the Mill Pond in West Tisbury. It is one of the Original properties in the WTHD, and the HDC and WTHDC  are in favor of dredging it to keep it from filling in and turning to marsh. It has been dredged periodically in the past. The pond is symbolic of the founding of the town, and is on the town seal of incorporation. The community built up around it, and the mill associated with it, which is on the National Register. 
There is a movement afoot in the town to remove the dam and let the pond revert to a stream, since that's what is was a century or two. The state wildlife dept is in favor of removing all manmade ponds, and they have been here in support of that. 
I was looking for examples of other historic man made ponds that have great significance to the towns they are located in, and curious as to whether or not they require maintenance. I was esp curious about Walden Pond, I understand it is natural, a kettle hold, but has it required main thence? Dredging? 
All info appreciated. Although the town probably cannot allow the dam to be destroyed, they could certainly remove the boards that control the water level, amounting to the same thing more or less. 
Thank you. 
Nancy Dole
West Tisbury Historic District Commission

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