[MassHistPres] article from Boston Globe on the Joseph Draper House, Dover

Stefan Nagel snagel at stevesmall.com
Fri Jun 27 10:07:09 EDT 2014

Following up on Rosemary Foy’s suggestion about subdividing the property to create a separate parcel for the house:  with careful (and I mean careful) planning, the current owner’s sale of the subdivided house parcel to a qualified charity as a “bargain sale” (part sale, part charitable donation) can in some circumstances produce a comparable or, on occasion, better after-tax return to the seller than would the sale of the property on the open market.  I believe Sara Molyneaux is familiar with the underlying concept, and it may already have been explored with the current owner, but perhaps it’s worth raising the idea again and running some numbers.


Good luck Sara and Dover!

Stefan Nagel 


Stefan Nagel, Esq., Of Counsel
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From: masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Rosemary
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2014 10:17 PM
To: james hadley
Cc: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] article from Boston Globe on the Joseph Draper House, Dover


Yes, maybe Sara could tell us here when that information is available who  are the contractor & architect of the replacement houses (for there are sure so be multiples with seven acres to cash in on).

At a minimum, the Draper house should be documented if it isn't already and a salvage crew be brought in. That way, at least some part of the house will live on. 

I'm sure every method has been tried, but has Olivera (the owner) been asked if he'd consider sub-dividing the property legally? He'd sell the house and a small parcel for it, and he'd still be able to develop the other acreage. This depends on zoning, of course, and his willingness to forgo a percentage of the millions he'll make in the redevelopment. 


Rosemary B. Foy



On Jun 25, 2014, at 9:53 AM, james hadley <jameswhadley at hotmail.com> wrote:

Although controversial, might I suggest a boycott of the builder who undertakes the demolition and replacement. There ARE  negative consequences to our actions as players in a capitalist society.
At the very least, the names of the architect for any replacement house and the builder of that house should be made available widely, so that people can make their own judgement.
James Hadley AIA
former chair, Orleans Historical Commission


From: meauxmo1 at comcast.net
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 21:09:34 -0400
To: MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] article from Boston Globe on the Joseph Draper House, Dover


As a progress report to a story we all know all too well, here is an article printed in the Boston Globe West last Sunday, concerning the plight of the Joseph Draper House (c.1724) in Dover. 


Sara Molyneaux

Friends of the Joseph Draper House


SaveDoversOldestHouse on Facebook




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