[MassHistPres] A few questions about your experience with the Master Planning process

Susan Munafo spmunafo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 14:27:24 EST 2015

Happy New Year!  


The town of Swampscott approved funding for a new master plan at the 2014
Town Meeting (the last MP was done decades ago).   I would like to
understand how other towns have gone about the Master Planning process.  I
have a few questions:


1)      Did you hire a consulting firm to help you through the master
planning process?  If so, how did you go about selecting the firm and who
made the decision to hire them?

2)      Who was the lead on the project, Town Planner, Planning Board, a
special Master Planning Committee or somebody/thing else?

3)      Did you create a committee to be involved in the process?

4)      Is there anything else I should know?  


The Board of Selectmen will be discussing the issue tomorrow evening so I'd
like to have an understanding of how other towns have handled it.  I want to
be sure we are going about this in an open, transparent manner involving
appropriate boards and community members.  




Susan Post Munafo

Chair, Swampscott Historical Commission

spmunafo at gmail.com <mailto:spmunafo at gmail.com> 



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