[MassHistPres] Parking Lot in a Local Historic District

Kathryn M. Greenfield kgreenfield at comcast.net
Fri Oct 16 14:18:40 EDT 2015

The Summer Avenue Local Historic District, in Reading, is facing a challenge with regard to a 38-car parking lot that is proposed to be built among its stately historic homes. I am writing on behalf of a neighborhood coalition that would appreciate any feedback this group has to offer.

Current situation (more detailed background information is below):

The Historic District Bylaw is pretty standard, in that it calls for the review of Structures, and a parking lot is a Structure. Reading's LHD Bylaw, however, goes on to exclude from the Commission's purview, "Terraces, walks, driveways, sidewalks and similar Structures, ." The Applicant claims that the proposed parking lot is a "similar Structure" and excluded from review. Reading Town Counsel may be leaning towards the same position. There is still time to influence the District Commission to find that the parking lot is NOT a "similar Structure," and IS in their jurisdiction.

Feedback from other LHDs, or anyone with ideas or a precedent, will be much appreciated.


Further background:

The Applicant (under a P&S for 186-190 Summer Avenue) seeks a Certificate of Appropriateness to develop an early childhood (0-3 yrs) developmental intervention facility in the Summer Avenue Historic District (named by Boston Magazine in 2007 among the "Best Streets" North of Boston). Unfortunately, the Applicant is afforded the opportunity to develop the iconic 1850 Italianate under the State's archaic Dover Amendment, which trumps local zoning. Now, 16 months into the process (of public meetings & hearings), they have whittled their project down to "no" exterior changes to the historic house or barn - where they had previously proposed a massive addition that dwarfed the original buildings. The project, however, still includes the 38-car parking lot, which has presented the question of the Commission's jurisdiction.

I would be glad to email pictures to anyone who like to see the house, barn, streetscape or proposed parking. I could not attach them to this email.


Kathryn Greenfield for

01867 Neighborhood Preservation
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